Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston
The Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston is compiling a trusted referral list of immigration attorneys to support individuals in need during this vulnerable time for immigrants in the U.S. under the current administration. If you are an immigration attorney or part of a legal firm specializing in immigration law, we invite you to submit your contact information. This list will be shared with our membership and community partners to ensure that individuals facing legal challenges can access reliable and experienced legal counsel. Please fill out the form below with your details so we can connect those in need with the appropriate legal support.
If you have any additional helpful resources you wish for us to share please email us at mabahouston@gmail.com.
**Disclaimer: The content included in the provided material is shared for community education purposes only and shall not be deemed or construed as legal advice from the Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston.**
Houston Referral Service: www.HLRS.org | Call: 713-237-9429
If you or someone you know is undocumented, having a Family Preparedness Plan in place is important. Working with an experienced attorney can provide peace of mind and ensure that your family’s future is protected. The Houston Lawyer Referral Service, a trusted arm of the Houston Bar Association, can connect you with qualified attorneys.
If you meet income qualifications, you may be eligible for free services through the Houston Bar Association’s Houston Volunteer Lawyers.
Apply online at www.legalhelphouston.org
TRLA Immigration Preparedness Kit - Click Here
ILRC Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Kit
Version en Español (Preparación Paso a Paso para Familias) - Click Aquí
English Version - Click Here
Reduced Pages Version (English) - Click Here
ILRC Red Cards: All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
English Self-Print Template - Click Here
Spanish Self-Print Template - Click Here
How to Use Red Cards - Click Here
​Know Your Rights Pamphlets
Know Your Rights Update 2025 (English) - Click Here
Conozca sus derechos 2025 (Español) - Click Here
Checklists for Protecting Assets and Child Custody - Click Here
â—‹ Medical Power of Attorney SAMPLE - Click Here
â—‹ Statutory Durable Power of Attorney SAMPLE - Click Here
â—‹ Financial and Child Care Durable Power of Attorney SAMPLE - Click Here